Subi East is one of the most significant urban redevelopment projects undertaken in Western Australia by the WA State Government through DevelopmentWA – the state’s land and property development agency.
The project will see the creation of an exciting new north-eastern gateway for Subiaco, one that respects and reflects the rich heritage of the area while realising the importance of its prominent location right on the edge of Perth’s CBD. Importantly, the project will help breathe new life into this approximately 35 hectares corner of Subiaco by delivering vibrant new places for people to live, learn, work and play.
The draft Master Plan, developed by Hames Sharley in conjunction with the project team, has just been released for public feedback. The Master Plan represents a strategic vision for the area over the next 20 years and beyond, with a focus on delivering vibrant new places for people to live, learn, work and play. The framework, principles and key moves within the master plan provide the tools and guidance to manage redevelopment and change over time.
Key considerations of the project have been identifying what is important about this place and how the existing character and stories of Subi East can be conserved and enhanced. The Subi East Master Plan is a strategic and aspirational document that will guide DevelopmentWA in preparation of statutory planning framework, including Design Guidelines. The Master Plan also informs the preparation of other key documents, including a heritage interpretation strategy, public art strategy and place activation strategy. These plans and strategies will be finalised following advertising and refinement of the draft Master Plan.
The Master Plan has been prepared to ensure Subiaco’s ongoing regeneration is consistent with DevelopmentWA’s objectives for the Subiaco Redevelopment Area, defined by the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority Regulations 2011.
The objectives are:
- to build a sense of place by supporting high-quality urban design, heritage protection, public art and cultural activities that respond to Perth’s environment, climate and lifestyle;
- to promote economic wellbeing by supporting, where appropriate, development that facilitates investment and provides opportunity for local businesses to satisfy market demand;
- to promote urban efficiency through infrastructure and buildings, the mix of land use and facilitating a critical mass of population and employment;
- to enhance connectivity and reduce the need to travel by planning development of well-designed places that support walking, cycling and public transit;
- to promote social inclusion by encouraging, where appropriate, a diverse range of housing and by supporting community infrastructure and activities and opportunities for visitors and residents to socialise; and
- to enhance environmental integrity by encouraging ecologically sustainable design, resource efficiency, recycling, renewable energy and protection of the local ecology.
Subi East represents the most significant urban infill redevelopment of its type in modern Western Australia. The draft Master Plan, released July 2020, provides the blueprint for revitalising the area between Subiaco Oval and the former Princess Margaret Hospital site into an iconic inner-city village and new gateway to the Perth CBD. Join us as we take you through the key elements of the draft Master Plan.