• Thumbnail for the article 'Rocky Bay Belmont gets the green light'
    25 May 2023

    Rocky Bay Belmont gets the green light

    Hames Sharley is delighted to share that Rocky Bay Belmont has received development approval, making way for a new world-leading community-integrated hub that will respond to the changing needs of people living with disability and neurodiversity in Western Australia.

  • Thumbnail for the article 'Officially open: Scotch College Wellbeing & Sports Centre'
    17 Feb 2023

    Officially open: Scotch College Wellbeing & Sports Centre

    Last night marked the much-awaited official opening of the Purruna Spencer Newton Centre; Scotch College’s new Wellbeing & Sports Centre. Hames Sharley, in conjunction with Scotch College, developed a very strong vision for the Centre – aspiring to ‘replace the old with the bold’ and seizing the opportunity to make a real connection between students, families and the broader community through the platform of wellbeing.

  • Thumbnail for the article 'Vasse hospital receives JDAP approval'
    09 Dec 2022

    Vasse hospital receives JDAP approval

    Hames Sharley’s design for a new day hospital in the Vasse Town Centre has been unanimously approved by the regional Joint Development Assessment Panel, a wonderful outcome for clients Blackoak Capital and St John of God Health Care.

  • Thumbnail for the article 'Hames Sharley raises nearly 50k for Cancer Ride for Research'
    27 Oct 2022

    Hames Sharley raises nearly 50k for Cancer Ride for Research

    Cycling 200km in two days sounds like a daunting task, but it’s nowhere near as challenging as facing a cancer diagnosis. “A little bit of sweat and pain is nothing compared to receiving that news,” said Morgan Wolpers. The Interior Designer captained a team of 16 courageous Hames Sharley employees who laced up their shoes and donned their jerseys to face the MACA Cancer 200 Ride last weekend.

  • Thumbnail for the article 'Rocky Bay unveils concepts for newly acquired Belmont site'
    20 Oct 2022

    Rocky Bay unveils concepts for newly acquired Belmont site

    Rocky Bay has partnered with multidisciplinary design practice Hames Sharley to design a leading health and community hub in Belmont. Hames Sharley was selected following a competitive process with a number of leading design firms. Its proposal for Rocky Bay’s almost 2-hectare Belmont site showed a strong understanding of the organisation’s requirements and, aspiration to create an integrated community space.

  • Thumbnail for the article 'Hames Sharley’s Sydney Studio welcomes Associate Director Janine Graves'
    28 Jul 2022

    Hames Sharley’s Sydney Studio welcomes Associate Director Janine Graves

    Australian design practice Hames Sharley has announced the appointment of Janine Graves to Associate Director. With 20 years of industry experience and specialist knowledge in the secure environments sector, Janine’s appointment bolsters Hames Sharley’s continued expansion across the Eastern States.

  • Thumbnail for the article 'WA Comprehensive Cancer Centre receives support from Federal Government'
    30 Mar 2022

    WA Comprehensive Cancer Centre receives support from Federal Government

    Western Australia will be home to a landmark $750 million Comprehensive Cancer Centre, with the Prime Minister recently announcing that half of the funding will be provided by the Federal Government.