Leading design firm Hames Sharley has recently been commissioned to develop a strategy and regenerate the Canning Activity Centre, based under the SPP4.2 – Activity Centres Policy for Perth and the Peel Region.
The firm will be working with Tony Blackwell and Associates (Landscaping), Tactiks 4 (Urban Economics), Urbanism (Project Management), Placematch (Placemaking), TPG (Heritage Planning) and Aurecon (Transport) to help revitalise Canning into a vibrant and dynamic centre that brings together the retail, commercial and residential elements transforming it into a desirable place to work, live and play.
Canning’s connection to existing railway and transit systems will also enable the centre to be developed into a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) that will support public transport usage and encourage less carbon footprint within the area.
Hames Sharley’s Principal of Urban Design and Planning, Arun Broadhurst says the opportunities that the area of Canning provides is great and can be realised if careful planning and consultation is undertaken to ensure these opportunities are responded to in the plan.
“Generating buildings and public spaces which capture the true potential of the centre whilst also meeting the aesthetic standards of the community will be one of the biggest elements which will enhance Canning City. This is something our team will be committed to achieving,” Mr Broadhurst says.
“Creating something that references the history, improves the local amenity of the place and finds a balance between the intensity of development which is acceptable in today’s climate without inhibiting future growth will be the key to Canning’s success. With all the promise of a centre of this stature, it has the potential to be a leader in both Perth and on a national scale in the transformation and regeneration of activity centres.”
Hames Sharley is currently undertaking planning and design work for other Activity Centres including Whitfords, Leederville, North Perth, Murdoch, Cockburn, Sandridge Park/Bunbury Forum and Geraldton that utilise the concepts outlined within the “Directions 2031” and “Activity Centres Policy.” Planning for the Activity Centre is currently in preliminary stages and is expected to be completed in April 2012.