Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Upgrades to Catheter Laboratories and Interventional Radiology Rooms, Nedlands, Western Australia - A Health project for North Metropolitan Health Service by Hames Sharley
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Upgrades to Catheter Laboratories and Interventional Radiology Rooms, Nedlands, Western Australia - A Health project for North Metropolitan Health Service by Hames Sharley
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Upgrades to Catheter Laboratories and Interventional Radiology Rooms, Nedlands, Western Australia - A Health project for North Metropolitan Health Service by Hames Sharley
North Metropolitan Health Service
Nedlands, Western Australia
+ Imaging / Angio
+ Imaging / Fluoroscopy
+ Cardiac Catheter Laboratories
+ Staged construction within operational departments
Department of Finance Supplier Awards - Best Project - 2023
Philip Parker
Gaye McKean
Project Website:
Visit the project's website
  • Completed within operational departments
  • Required detailed operational and construction staging
  • All equipment ceiling mounted
  • Ceiling services from adjacent rooms crossed the spaces requiring surveying upon demolition to enable final coordination and resolution of clashes