Hames Sharley partnered with Deloitte on their recent ‘Make it a plan Adelaide’ report to explore how Adelaide would accommodate 120,000 more people in its Middle Metro zone by 2027. We established 5 lifestyle categories – City Central, Activity Centre Environs, Transit Corridors, Inner Urban and Middle Suburban as the focus of the growth.
We now jump forward on a hypothetical journey to explore living in Adelaide in 2027 through the daily lives of average Adelaideans.

Having been married for 57 years, Dotty and Mike have seen many people come and go in their beloved Park Street in leafy Woodville Park. It has been their home for over 50 years and life has stayed pretty much the same for most of that time. But in the last 10 years, they have seen some welcome changes. There is a new sense of community pride and vibrancy to their suburb.
Many of their older friends have moved to a brand new aged living facility where Dotty and Mike can visit within a short walk. The care centre has fitness facilities, a pool and a café and the operator welcome the community to share the facilities. Dotty said, “We can see ourselves moving there too in a few years but for the moment we love living in our changing and more interesting neighbourhood”.
This gradual transition process provided opportunities for the ugly flats from the 60’s and 70’s, and some of the un-loved houses in the area, to be replaced by attractive courtyard houses and townhouses which sit more comfortably alongside the stone villas in the tree-lined streets. Some of the disused warehouses in the area have also made way for new housing and small activity centres near the new tram stops, which are a short drive away.
The new housing had attracted young families with kids prompting the Council to begin an upgrade program for the local streets and parks, adding new playgrounds and even new pocket parks. The local school had also expanded to provide more classes to accommodate the swelling student numbers.
This modest population growth has become a fillip for the local Woodville Road Shopping Centre, which is gaining a reputation as a character destination precinct. Prompted by a streetscaping program, which included traffic calming, new landscaping, public art and outdoor dining, a range of new restaurants, cafes, bakeries, hairdressers and other small businesses have opened.
Dotty and Mike’s granddaughter, Helen, is one of those who has moved into the area with husband John and young kids Megan and Anthony. They were attracted by the character of the area, the new housing, the general upgrade of the streets and parks and the main street buzz of Woodville Road. And John is a construction manager in the Port Adelaide redevelopment, so he is much closer to work than before.
“It’s great to be close to grandma and grandpa and mum is close by too. We love the parks for weekend walks with the dog and we often meet our friends for breakfast or lunch along Woodville Road. And you know the other great thing? The city is just a short, tram trip away,” said Helen.
While the population in the neighbourhood has grown by 10-12% in recent years, most people, including Dotty, Mike and Helen, see nothing but positive outcomes from the change.
Disclaimer: This article includes fictional characters. Any similarity between the characters and anyone, living or dead, is purely coincidental.